Israeli Lobby Targets GOP Congressman Over Aid Denial

( – Representative Thomas Massie, a Kentucky Republican, criticized a pro-Israel lobbying group running ads against him due to his stance against providing military aid to Israel in its conflict with Hamas.

Massie is part of a small group of lawmakers against the proposed $14.5 billion aid package from Republican leadership, expressing concerns about its potential negative impact on the U.S. economy. The pro-Israel lobby, including major donor AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee), strongly reacted to Massie’s opposition.

The United Democracy Project, associated with AIPAC, is running advertisements aimed at Massie in his congressional district in northern Kentucky. The ads compare his voting record to those of progressive Democratic Representatives Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, members of the so-called “Squad,” and label his stance on Israel as an “embarrassment.”

Massie responded to the advertisement on Thursday night in a Twitter post, questioning why Israel historically receives more foreign aid than any other country. He mentioned that he voted against sending an additional $14.3 billion overseas and expressed dissatisfaction with radio, TV, and Facebook ads, stating, “I won’t vote to give them your $.”

According to OpenSecrets, the lobbying group directly donated $4,766,099 to Republicans and $7,932,728 to Democrats in 2022. Their spending on Congressional races surged that year, and the group has alternated between donating more to Democrats and Republicans over the years.

Additionally, they gave $10.5 million to the United Democracy Project, which spent over $32 million ahead of the midterms. Representative Massie did not receive donations from AIPAC. In a statement made in October, he explained his opposition to the aid for Israel, asserting that his position might be unreasonable to some. Still, he believed it was more unreasonable to send America into bankruptcy.

The United Democracy Project, categorized as a Super PAC, can legally raise unlimited funds but is restricted from donating to individual candidates. It declares that its mission is to elect candidates who believe the United States’ alliance with Israel ‘benefits both countries.’

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