Airplane Biohazard Uncovers Disturbing Lack of Compassion

( – On Sept. 1, a passenger on a Delta flight from Atlanta to Barcelona, Spain, experienced a severe case of diarrhea and couldn’t reach the restroom in time. The result was a catastrophic bio-hazard on the plane that required the plane to return to Atlanta for cleaning.

Delta released a statement that incidents occur while in flight, and they are proud of their employees’ handling of the event to provide a safe environment for everyone. The flight was delayed several hours but did reach Barcelona eight hours after their scheduled arrival. Astonished by what occurred, many passengers took to social media to share their thoughts and feelings.

The person’s identity with the uncontrollable medical emergency is unknown, and most agree it should remain that way. They have suffered something resembling a nightmare through no fault of their own and should work to recover and move on with life. A Cedars Sinai gastroenterologist notes that 1 in 12 adults face fecal incontinence, which will increase with age or other conditions.

Fecal incontinence cannot be prevented. It can appear spontaneously in people who’ve never had an incident before, and it can appear irregularly in people with ongoing issues. A travel blogger noted that this situation was not that different than if someone had a heart attack, except that the impact on the passengers was visceral and consuming to the entire plane. Passengers were vocal about their discomfort, but there was little to be done at that point.

According to one passenger’s post on Facebook, the flight staff appeared to be the only people who checked on the welfare of the sick passenger, and most of the passengers were rude, acting as if this sick person had made this mess intentionally. Flight attendants not involved in this incident hope that this example will help passengers show more empathy to others in the face of adversity.

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