(ConservativeInsider.org) – Lunden Roberts, the mother of Hunter Biden’s love child, alleged in her new book that the President’s son attempted to pay her off in exchange for her silence over their affair.
The allegations against Hunter Biden are included in a forthcoming book by Roberts titled “Out of the Shadows: My Life Inside the Wild World of Hunter Biden.” Roberts claims that once she discovered she was pregnant with her now five-year-old daughter, Navy Joan Roberts, Hunter Biden offered her $250,000 to sign a non-disclosure agreement that would require her to stay silent about their daughter’s existence.
When Roberts refused, Hunter Biden denied paternity of their child until DNA tests taken a year after her birth established that he was indeed the girl’s father. Roberts believed once paternity was proven, Hunter Biden would step up to care for his daughter. However, Roberts’ lawyer, Clint Lancaster, told Roberts that the now-President’s son claimed he was too impoverished to pay child support for their daughter and suggested that she single-parent adopt their daughter, which would mean he would relinquish all claim to the girl. Roberts refused, saying she was offended by the offer.
Roberts and Hunter Biden met at a strip club in Washington, D.C., where Roberts herself was a stripper. They carried on an affair for nearly a year before Roberts discovered that she was pregnant. Hunter Biden was also carrying on an affair with his deceased brother’s widow, Hallie Biden, at the same time as his relationship with Roberts.
Though Navy Joan Roberts was born in August 2018, as of July 2024, no one within the Biden family has met her. President Joe Biden did not acknowledge his 7th grandchild until July 2023, seemingly even denying her existence by talking about his “six grandchildren” in speeches. First Lady Jill Biden also ignored their granddaughter’s existence by only hanging Christmas stockings for the six acknowledged Biden grandchildren in previous years.
“Out of the Shadows” will be released on August 20.
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