Arizona GOP Leader Resigns Following Leaked Audio Scandal

( – The Chairman of the Arizona Republican Party, Jeff DeWit, resigned on January 24th after an audio recording of him seemingly attempting to bribe Kari Lake into not running for Senate was leaked to the public.

DeWit released a statement, calling the recording “selectively edited” that was “taken out of context,” suggesting that the release of the audio was part of a year-long campaign from Lake to “destroy” DeWit. While DeWit admitted he regretted some of the things he said, he added that he believes the conversation was a set up against him. He said his resignation came at the request of Lake, who he claims told him that if he didn’t resign immediately, a “more damaging” recording would be released.

The recording was made in early 2023, while Lake was in an unsuccessful legal battle challenging her loss of the 2020 Arizona gubernatorial race and preparing for a run for the U.S. Senate. In the recording, DeWit told Lake that “powerful people” wanted to keep her out of the Senate and asked her for a number. Lake incredulously asked if he meant the number at which she could be “bought” before saying she couldn’t be bought for a billion dollars. While DeWit did not name the powerful people who supposedly wanted Lake out of politics, he said they were from “back east.”

Lake spoke about the attempted bribe at the Conservative Political Action Conference in March of last year but did not name DeWit at the time. She quipped that she wanted to sic her dog on the person who tried to bribe her, but she has a pug so it “wasn’t gonna happen.” Lake brought it up several times after her appearance at CPAC, using it to position herself as an anti-establishment candidate.

DeWit struck back at Lake in his resignation letter, suggesting that someone who can’t be trusted to maintain confidentiality in conversations between colleagues and friends cannot be trusted as a Senator, suggesting she has a history of exploiting people in her personal life for political gains.

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