Biden Wanders Behind Podium During King of Jordan Speech

( – During a speech by visiting dignitary King Abdullah II of Jordan, President Joe Biden shuffled back and forth behind him, seemingly confused on where to stand.

As the Jordanian king began to deliver his speech calling for a cease-fire in Israel, Biden ambled back and forth while staring at the ground, apparently looking for a mark indicating where he was supposed to stand, before ultimately deciding to stand in front of the Jordanian flag to the left of Abdullah. The king seemed confused by Biden’s actions, looking over to the other side, where it seems he expected Biden to be. In response, Biden made a quip about “switching sides” and then walked to the other side.

Though the gaffe seems minor, especially for a politician like Biden who has always been prone to them, it adds fuel to the fire that has been growing over concerns about Biden’s mental acuity. While some have defended Biden’s actions as understandable because Biden knew to look for a marker indicating where he should stand, others believe this is more evidence that Biden’s mental competency is in rapid decline. Some, including professional golfer Steve Flesch, called it “elder abuse” for Democrats to keep pushing Biden as a viable political figure.

This also follows on the heels of a report from Robert Hur, the Special Counsel appointed to investigate President Biden’s handling of classified documents. The report stated that criminal charges against the president were unnecessary due to the fact that Biden’s memory is “significantly limited.”

Biden is the oldest person to ever occupy the White House, and concerns over his mental competency have been a growing factor in the election. A recent survey indicates that 86% of respondents, including 71% of Democrats, feel that Biden is too old to serve as president. Further, over half the country believes that Biden was given “special treatment” during the Special Counsel investigation, including nearly 30% of Democrats.

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