Biden’s WH Sent Millions to Anti-Israeli UN Group

( – After the appalling attacks on Israeli civilians by the Palestinian group Hamas, renewed scrutiny is on the Biden administration for sending $730 million to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which has provided aid to the terrorist group.

The United States stopped providing financial aid and support to the UNRWA under the Trump administration in 2018, who described it as an “irredeemably flawed operation.” But when Biden was elected in 2020, funding to the agency was restored. The agency says the United States is their largest provider of funding.

Earlier this year, the State Department under President Biden reported that nearly $900 million has gone to support Palestinians since early 2021, with over $700 million going to the UNRWA, despite internal reports within the State Department that indicate a “high risk” that the money would be funneled to support Hamas. The State Department also noted before Biden reinstated funding that the UNRWA allowed Hamas to create tunnels under schools they funded, frequently used to stockpile weapons for the terrorist group.

According to a joint report from the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education, an Israeli non-profit, and UN Watch, a non-governmental organization, the UNRWA has been accused of hiring teachers who call for Jews to be killed and use textbooks that “glorify terrorism” and “demonize Israelis.”

Marsha Blackburn, a Republican Senator from Tennessee and staunch Trump supporter, posted on social media that it’s no coincidence that terrorist group Hamas attacked Israel after President Biden reinstated funding to Palestine. Sen. Blackburn said the Biden administration should stop sending financial aid to the Palestinian Authority as well as “Iran-backed terrorist group Hamas.”

Former President Trump released a statement about the attacks, calling them a “disgrace” and emphasizing that Israel has the “right to defend itself.”

The US Office of Palestinian Affairs and the State Department declined to comment. The State Department continues to fund groups in Palestinian territories.

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