Congressman Parallels Latinos for Trump to Jews for Hitler

( – Texas Democratic Congressman Vicente Gonzalez has stirred controversy by comparing Latino supporters of former President Donald Trump to “Jews for Hitler.” This remark has drawn intense criticism from Republicans as he campaigns for re-election in a predominantly Hispanic district in South Texas.

In a recent interview, Gonzalez expressed concern that Democrats could lose support among socially conservative Hispanic voters in South Texas as Republicans increase regional efforts. He highlighted the anti-immigrant rhetoric coming from the upper echelons of the Republican Party, including Trump’s characterization of Mexican immigrants as “rapists.”

Gonzalez argued that the Republican Party faces challenges in attracting Latinos due to the presence of a racist and divisive element within their ranks. He criticized the rhetoric coming from the party as shameful for Latinos. Additionally, he drew a parallel between Latino support for Trump and endorsing Hitler, expressing strong disapproval of such association.

Republicans are heavily investing in unseating Gonzalez in the 34th congressional district, which encompasses the lower Rio Grande Valley, including Brownsville and Harlingen. Former Congresswoman Mayra Flores, who lost to Gonzalez in the 2022 general election, is seeking to reclaim the seat. Flores, a staunch Trump supporter, criticized Gonzalez for his comparison, saying it is “shameful.”

Other Republicans joined in condemning Gonzalez’s remarks. The Congressional Leadership PAC, affiliated with House Republican leadership, said the comment was “absolutely disgusting” and accused Gonzalez of attempting to influence voters based on ethnicity. The National Republican Congressional Committee also demanded an apology from Gonzalez.

When pressed to clarify his remarks, Gonzalez reiterated his stance, questioning how Mexican–Americans could support Trump, equating it to voting against self-interest. He emphasized the need for Latinos to recognize potential tyranny on the horizon and called on Flores to denounce Trump’s comments on migrants.

In December, Trump made a statement alleging that migrants were poisoning the blood of Americans. This assertion drew criticism from fellow Republicans, who characterized the remarks as xenophobic and racist. Trump denied having any awareness of similar statements made by Adolf Hitler concerning Jews.

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