Dem Dean Phillips Drops Longshot Bid for President

( – Minnesota Representative Dean Phillips has withdrawn from the Democratic presidential race following rounds of defeats in the 2024 primaries across several states. Phillips acknowledged that Democratic primary voters had convincingly shown he wasn’t their preferred candidate in a recent interview on WCCO Radio with Chad Hartman.

His decision follows his failure to secure any delegates in the primaries post-Super Tuesday, even receiving fewer votes than “uncommitted” in his home state of Minnesota, partly due to protest votes against President Joe Biden’s handling of Gaza violence.

In a surprising move, Phillips endorsed Biden during the interview, stressing the crucial choice between Biden and Donald Trump. He further emphasized the binary nature of his decision, asserting that it comes down to either Trump or Biden. However, Phillips expressed concerns over Trump’s capabilities, labeling him a dangerous individual, while affirming Biden’s competency, decency, and integrity.

Addressing speculation about potential independent runs or alliances, Phillips dismissed such notions – he expressed hope for a third-party challenger – but ruled out any form of involvement. He deemed his potential role in a unity ticket irrelevant and voiced skepticism about the viability of a third-party ticket.

Phillips began his presidential bid in October, presenting himself as a youthful alternative to the 81-year-old incumbent, Joe Biden. His campaign focused on issues such as taxes, military spending, and national debt. However, in November, he announced his decision not to seek re-election to Congress. Following his presidential bid, various candidates have emerged to contest his congressional seat.

Facing fundraising struggles, Phillips made headlines in early February for reducing his campaign staff. Before he ventured into politics, he took over his stepfather’s business empire, becoming the president of Phillips Distilling Company. He also had a stint managing Talenti Gelato – Phillips lives with his family in Wayzata.

Abou Amara, a firebrand Democratic analyst, criticized the Minnesota Rep’s presidential campaign as a significant strategic blunder, lamenting the depletion of his political influence in what he considered an indulgent endeavor.

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