Ex-FBI Agents Exposed in Text Scandal Settle with DOJ

(ConservativeInsider.org) – A “tentative agreement” was reached on Tuesday, May 28 in the case between the Justice Department and two former FBI officials who were involved in the investigation into Trump’s alleged ties to Russia and potential collusion during the 2016 election.

The case was related to the release of their text messages in December 2017 by the inspector general of the Justice Department, when it was revealed that former FBI attorney Lisa Page and then-Special Agent Peter Strzok had exchanged a significant number of messages that disparaged Donald Trump, who at the time was candidate for president but had not won yet. The former FBI employees claim they were illegally targeted by the Trump administration for retribution following the release of their messages.

Their text messages revealed a strong anti-Trump bias, which many lawmakers and members of the public found concerning due to their positions within Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team that was investigating possible collusion between Trump and Russia in the 2016 election, leading many to claim the FBI was biased against Trump. The two agents, who were also conducting an extramarital affair, called Trump an “idiot” and praised his opponent, Hillary Clinton, suggesting she “deserved” to win the election.

The settlement that was agreed upon by the Justice Department is only related to Page’s lawsuit that was filed in 2019, while Strzok’s lawsuit remains ongoing. Though Page voluntarily resigned from the FBI in 2018, but Strzok was fired in August of that year.

The judge in the case, Amy Berman Jackson, said she would freeze the case until the end of June so both cases could come to final written terms. Page’s lawsuit was asking for at least $1,000 in financial damages, while Strzok’s lawsuit was pushing for backpay as well as being reinstated at his job. What the parties agreed to has not been publicly disclosed as of yet, and attorneys for both plaintiffs and the Justice Department declined to comment.

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