Federal Judge Blocks Texas Law Allowing Arrest of Illegals

(ConservativeInsider.org) – A federal judge in Austin, Texas, has temporarily blocked a controversial state law that would have empowered Texas police to arrest individuals suspected of crossing the border illegally. This decision, a significant victory for the Biden administration and immigration advocacy groups, throws a wrench into Texas’ latest attempt to curb illegal immigration and is likely to set the stage for a lengthy legal battle.

The law, known as Senate Bill 4 (S.B. 4), was signed by Governor Greg Abbott in December 2023 and was set to take effect on March 5th. However, U.S. District Judge David Ezra issued a preliminary injunction, effectively halting its implementation while legal challenges play out in court.

Judge Ezra’s ruling centered on concerns that S.B. 4 would infringe upon the federal government’s exclusive authority over immigration matters. He argued that allowing the law to stand would create a chaotic patchwork of state-level immigration policies, potentially causing “grave irreparable harm” to the federal government’s ability to manage immigration on a national scale. Additionally, Ezra expressed concern that S.B. 4 might violate constitutional rights and international treaties by potentially detaining or deporting individuals eligible for asylum.

Governor Abbott, a vocal critic of the Biden administration’s immigration policies, vowed to continue fighting the decision. He maintains that Texas, facing an influx of migrants at the border, has the right to defend itself under the U.S. Constitution, even going as far as claiming the situation constitutes an “invasion.” However, Judge Ezra dismissed this argument, stating he saw no evidence of an “invasion” in Texas.

The legal challenge to S.B. 4 came from a combined effort of the U.S. Department of Justice, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), and several Texas-based immigrant rights organizations. These groups hailed the ruling as a victory for human rights, the U.S. Constitution, and Texas communities. They expressed concerns that S.B. 4 would have led to racial profiling, violated the rights of border residents, and further strained a broken immigration system.

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