GOP Senator Outraged At $2 Billion Abortion Spending

( – A recent federal watchdog report reveals that groups offering abortion services received nearly $2 billion in taxpayer money between 2019 and 2021.

Responding to lawmakers’ requests, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) conducted the report, highlighting that Planned Parenthood was the largest beneficiary, receiving $1.78 billion during those years. The report estimates that Planned Parenthood performed over one million abortions during that period.

Senator Marsha Blackburn claimed that Planned Parenthood, which received $90.4 million from the Paycheck Protection Program during the COVID-19 pandemic, obtained the funds unlawfully, as they were initially intended for struggling small businesses.

The Republican senator expressed shock, stating, “Planned Parenthood illegally siphoned over $90 million from the Paycheck Protection Program, meant to help mom-and-pop businesses thrive, while small businesses struggled to make ends meet during the pandemic.” She added, “The American people prefer their tax dollars to be used responsibly and in alignment with our nation’s values, rather than supporting the Left’s abortion-on-demand agenda.”

Planned Parenthood received a significant portion of its funding, approximately $1.53 billion, through CHIP, Medicare, and Medicaid reimbursements and an additional $148.5 million from federal grants. The GAO report indicates that annual federal grant funding to IPPF has more than doubled since 2019, suggesting a potential shift in sentiment between the Trump and Biden administrations.

The GAO report revealed that MSI Reproductive Choices received $1.35 million, while the IPPF received over $2 million in taxpayer funds. Additionally, the federal government paid four other regional abortion providers a total of $107.74 million. A coalition of House and Senate Republicans requested this report in 2022.

Lawmakers requested the report after earlier findings revealed that nearly $2 billion in taxpayer funds went to abortion-providing and advocacy groups—Planned Parenthood Federation of America, International Planned Parenthood Federation, and Marie Stopes International—during fiscal years 2016-2018.

Co-Chair of the House Pro-Life Caucus, Representative Chris Smith, raised concerns about an ongoing trend, stating, “Federal taxpayer money should not be used to fund large abortion corporations. This money could have been better spent assisting businesses forced to close or providing comprehensive medical support for both women and children.”

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