Haley Swipes Back at Trump’s Comments About Her Husband

(ConservativeInsider.org) – Things are heating up between former President Donald Trump and fellow Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley. At a campaign event on Saturday, February 10th, Trump mockingly asked why Haley’s husband wasn’t on the campaign trail with her.

Major Michael Haley, who is married to the former Governor of South Carolina, is currently deployed as a staff officer with the South Carolina National Guard. He is with the 218th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade in the Horn of Africa, and his deployment will last for a year.

Neither Nikki nor Michael Haley took Trump’s comments lying down. Michael shared a meme on social media shortly after Trump’s jab at him, suggesting that the difference between humans and animals is that animals wouldn’t pick the “dumbest ones to lead the pack.” His wife took a different tack and said that if Trump has something to say to her, he should say it directly to her face during a debate, which Trump has refused to take part in this election cycle.

Nikki also took the opportunity to frame Trump as someone who doesn’t respect the military or those who serve. She highlighted the fact that Trump himself has never served in the military, making a quip about how the greatest threat to Trump is potentially being hit by a golf ball while in a golf cart. The former Governor went even further, suggesting that someone who doesn’t respect the military isn’t qualified to be the Commander in Chief, because they can’t be trusted to protect our service members. This is not Trump’s first comment that denigrates service members, having previously made jabs at the late Senator John McCain for being captured by the enemy during the Vietnam War.

Currently, Trump is more than 30 points ahead of Haley in South Carolina polls, despite her long ties to the state. Despite Trump’s significant lead, Haley has vowed to remain in the race until Super Tuesday, which falls on March 5th of this year.

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