Illegal Migrants Burglarizing Americans To Repay Cartels?

( – According to a New York official from Long Island, organized groups are bringing more violence in numerous American towns as they traverse the U.S.-Mexico border under President Biden’s leadership.

The cartels are smuggling both narcotics and people over the border. Those smuggled owe the cartels a great deal of money after being secreted into the nation and sent to streets and alleys.

Long Island police departments are seeing the effects of illegal immigration, according to Republican Bruce Blakeman, a Nassau County Executive, who testified this week before the House Homeland Security hearing. The proliferation of criminal organizations linked to international drug cartels is largely to blame for the upsurge in criminal activity in the area.

Blakeman elaborated on the problem, saying that an increase in burglaries committed by illegal immigrants targeting both homes and businesses has been seen by Nassau County police enforcement. Blakeman said that the narcotics traffickers want to repay the Mexican drug lords who facilitated their entry into the US.

He said that migrants who arrived in the country under the present migrant strategy were responsible for some of the trends they discovered in the burglaries of both commercial and residential premises. The families of migrants would be severely injured or even murdered in their home country if they didn’t pay the cartels the money that they owed them for transporting them across the border. That’s why they’ve come here. Burglary and stealing are only two of the many crimes they commit because they’re desperate for cash.

According to many news sources, federal officials are reportedly releasing huge groups of undocumented immigrants in the United States after processing them, with many of them never even receiving a court date. A government document that one major news syndicate obtained indicates the aim is to reduce operational obstacles and hazards to national security amid large-scale illegal migrant surges.

Releasing over sixty thousand unauthorized foreigners into the interior of the United States is reportedly something the Biden administration does every month.

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