Koch-Backed Group Suspends Haley Campaign Spending

(ConservativeInsider.org) – After Republican presidential candidate and former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley lost the primary in her home state of South Carolina on Saturday, February 24th, the powerful conservative group Americans for Prosperity Action (AFP Action) announced they will no longer be funding her campaign.

Emily Seidel, AFP Action senior adviser, sent a memo to staff on February 25th stating that the organization would be making sure they are “optimizing their resources for maximum impact.” Seidel further went on to say that while they are keeping their endorsement of Haley, the group will be switching their focus to U.S. Senate and House races. While Seidel reaffirmed the group’s belief that Haley is the best candidate to change “our dysfunctional politics,” they don’t believe anyone outside the Haley campaign can make a “material difference” to help lead Haley to victory.

Haley’s national spokesperson, Olivia Perez-Cubas, gave thanks to AFP Action for their support in the “fight for freedom.” Perez-Cubas said the Haley campaign raised over $1 million from grassroots donations in the 24 hours after Haley’s primary loss, suggesting that Haley would not be giving up just yet.

AFP Action has been funding advertisements and campaigners to dissuade Republicans from voting for Trump since the middle of 2023, but they didn’t endorse Haley as their preferred candidate until late November. While other conservative groups who have been anti-Trump have changed their tune in recent months, such as the Club for Growth, AFP Action has remained firm that making Trump the Republican candidate for president will make it harder to defeat Biden in November.

Seidel highlighted recent races in which Republicans underperformed, such as last fall’s Virginia statehouse elections and the New York and Pennsylvania special elections in February, emphasizing that conservatives have a difficult battle for the presidency in November, especially if Trump is the candidate. She added that she believes more voters will reject Trump as his various criminal trials move through the system.

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