Poll Results: Illegal Immigrant Government Job Programs

Poll Results
We asked thousands of people whether they thought illegal immigrant should be eligible for government job programs. The results are shown below.
14% of Americans think illegal immigrants SHOULD be eligible for government job programs.
86% of Americans think illegal immigrants SHOULD NOT be eligible for government job programs.
The votes coming through so far indicate that the vast majority of people feel that those who are not United States citizens SHOULD NOT be eligible for government job programs. Many people clearly feel uncomfortable with illegal immigrants working for the government.
Government jobs are some of the best jobs available to hard working Americans. These jobs are coveted and difficult to get because the competition is fierce. Can you imagine if the U.S. government started giving them away to illegal immigrants?
There are also government job programs that help people become trained and placed in private sector jobs. These programs help Americans get to work. Allowing illegal immigrants to take these positions and this funding would be a slap to the face of the American people.
Do you agree?