Poll Results: Trusting News Media to be Unbiased

Poll Results
We funded a scientific poll on whether respondents believe that the news media can provide unbiased coverage of the news. By news we mean factual coverage of local and international events. This poll was meant to help people understand whether people trust the news, regardless of their political party affiliation. The results are shown below.
21% of Americans think that the news media CAN be unbiased in their reporting.
79% of Americans think that the news media CANNOT be unbiased in their reporting.
The votes coming through so far indicate that the vast majority of people feel that the news media CANNOT be unbiased in their reporting. Whether on the right or the left, people no longer trust the media.
When most people think of the media, they think of the major media networks. These include ABC, NBC, Fox and CNN. While we didn’t ask if they trust say, Fox more than NBC, we think that it was important to ask about news media in general.
What media source do you trust these days to deliver unbiased reporting so that you can make informed decisions on how to vote in our democracy?