Trump Demands NATO Nations Pay or He’d Let Russia Attack

( – While at a campaign rally on Saturday, February 10th, former President Donald Trump let the world know that if he is elected again, he will refuse to help NATO countries that don’t pay enough for their own national defense if they are invaded by Russia.

The former President went so far as to say that he would “encourage” Russia to do whatever it wants to countries who do not spend the appropriate amount on defense as per NATO guidelines.

White House Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates called Trump’s comments “appalling and unhinged,” suggesting that Trump’s position puts American national security and global stability at risk. Jens Stoltenberg, the NATO Security-General, also condemned Trump’s remarks, saying that any attacks on a NATO country will receive a “united and forceful response,” highlighting that every other member of the alliance stands committed to defending their allies.

Several European leaders have expressed disagreement with Trump’s comments, with many reminding Trump that the motto of NATO is “one for all, all for one.” Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz, the Polish Minister of Defense, reminded the world that NATO’s motto is a “concrete commitment” and suggested the Trump is “playing with the security” of NATO members.

Some, however, supported Trump’s remarks, including Mark Rutte, the Dutch Prime Minister and current front-runner for next NATO Secretary-General. Rutte said that Trump “was right” to tell European nations that they must spend more on national defense. Many at home also supported Trump’s comments, including Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas), who suggested that countries that do not prioritize their own national defense are “encouraging Russian aggression.”

Other politicians took a more neutral response to Trump’s comments, indicating that while they did not necessarily agree with the comments, they weren’t perturbed by them, either. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said “I mean, it’s Trump,” and pointed out that during Trump’s term as president, Russia did not invade anyone and this is simply an attempt to get fellow NATO members to pay for their own defense. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) emphasized that NATO is necessary, but said he had “zero concern” with Trump’s comments.

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