Trump Says He’d Tap Local Police for Mass Deportations

( – Donald Trump, in a recent Fox News interview, outlined plans for a large-scale deportation operation if he returns to the White House this November. This strategy, described by Trump as “the largest in American history,” would heavily involve local police in removing illegal aliens from the U.S.

Emphasizing the need for immediate action, Trump stated during the interview that undocumented immigrants must be deported quickly. He expressed his intention to grant police officers “immunity” while carrying out this task, highlighting their familiarity with the identities of migrants within their communities.

However, Trump’s proposal faces legal hurdles – because a recent Texas law scheduled to take effect on March 5th aimed at empowering law enforcement to arrest and deport suspected undocumented border crossers was temporarily halted by a judge. Governor Greg Abbott vowed to appeal the ruling despite opposition from the Justice Department and civil rights groups who argue the law could lead to unconstitutional racial profiling.

Meanwhile, during a recent visit to the U.S.-Mexico border in Brownsville, Texas, President Joe Biden called on Trump to work together on comprehensive immigration reform. While visiting Eagle Pass, Trump accused Biden of being responsible for what he termed the “Biden migrant crime,” claiming the United States is being “overrun” under the current administration. However, some studies claim to show that immigrants are statistically less likely to commit crimes than other residents.

Immigration remains a top concern for Americans, consistently ranking among the most critical issues the country faces, according to polls. Biden, who campaigned on reversing Trump-era border policies, has faced challenges due to a global humanitarian crisis displacing millions. He has adopted a stricter stance on immigration and is considering using executive actions to limit asylum claims.

Trump’s proposed mass deportations could have significant economic and social consequences, potentially disrupting communities and facing opposition from Latino civil rights groups and elected officials. Previous large-scale deportation efforts in U.S. history, such as those during the Great Depression and the Eisenhower era, caused lasting trauma for affected individuals and communities, with some deported individuals even being American citizens.

Unlike previous periods, today’s Latino population is more politically engaged and has greater representation in elected offices and civil rights organizations. Elected officials, including U.S. Representatives Sylvia Garcia, Vicente Gonzalez and Joaquin Castro, have pledged to resist Trump’s deportation plans.

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