US Spending Billions on Revived Cold War-era Submarine Program

( – Billions of dollars are slated to be used by the U.S. Navy to overhaul a Cold War-era submarine detection system in the Pacific Ocean. China is bolstering its Navy and has become more unpredictable in recent years. China is proving to be hostile towards Taiwan, and that is a factor in the Pacific Rim defense plan. Russia also has a fleet in the Pacific Ocean.

The U.S. Integrated Undersea Surveillance System was first built in the 1950s by a top-secret program to monitor and counter Russian Navy fleet movements and actions. Three people with direct knowledge of this program have come forward wondering if this is the best use of those funds.

The rehabilitation of the surveillance cables will make the cables smaller and cover a larger area. The U.S. is also providing the same technology to Australia for a fee. Unmanned sea drones and AI processing are also a part of this improved submarine monitoring technology.

Following Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan in 2022, China made a show of force by firing rockets over the island and performing live-fire drills in the waters that circle Taiwan. The exercise showed that China could and possibly would form a blockade around Taiwan if it wanted. Taiwan is a small island that is without a Navy to compete against the Chinese Navy. In Taiwan, it is an awkward peace held together gingerly. The U.S. depends on trade from Taiwan, which is self-governing, and China claims it should be run by the Communist Party.

The Pacific Ocean has seen its share of battles and war, what remains unclear is how much more it shall see in our lifetimes. Some Naval experts opine that conflict is inevitable with China, Russia, and the U.S. sharing the ocean, and we should be prepared better than in the past.

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