101-Year-Old Vet Credits Dr. Pepper For Longevity

(ConservativeInsider.org) – A retired sergeant major from the U.S. Army announced on his 101st birthday that the secret to a long life is something you may not expect: drinking Dr Pepper.

Veteran Eugene Peterson recently celebrated his 101st birthday at Travis Air Force Base in California, which is when he made the proclamation that Dr Pepper has helped him live for so long. He has been volunteering at the base 12 to 20 hours per week since 2010. His daughter believes that staying active is what has kept him alive for over 100 years, though that’s not what the centenarian had to say about the secret to a long life.

Funnily enough, Peterson is not the only centenarian who credits Dr Pepper for their long life. Elizabeth Sullivan, who died in 2017 at age 106, said she drank Dr Pepper three times a day for the last 40 years of her life. She said that while her doctors criticized her frequent soda habit, “they die, and I don’t,” which she said meant the doctors must be mistaken.

Dr Pepper is the oldest major soft drink available in the United States. Developed in 1885, it became a nationally available hit after the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis.

Other centenarians who were previously interviewed about their secrets to a long life have credited various other things, such as one 105-year-old who said she ate bacon every single day, while a 101-year-old man suggested his habit of drinking a beer every afternoon helped him live so long. A French nun named Sister Andre, who died in early 2023 at the age of 118, claimed that caring for others and working hard is what made her live to be the oldest living person before she died. Angelina Torrisi, who is 103, suggested being kind, compassionate, and grateful helped keep her alive for so long. She also suggested staying busy as a way to maintain good health and a long life.

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