25 Republican Governors Back Texas Over Border

(ConservativeInsider.org) – Half of the governors in the United States, all Republicans, released a joint statement expressing their support for Governor Greg Abbott of Texas during his fight to secure the southern border from the ongoing wave of illegal migrants attempting to cross.

The statement chastises President Biden and his administration for allowing “unprecedented” amounts of illegal immigrants to enter the country with no legal repercussions. The statement goes on to say that rather than focusing his efforts on upholding the law of our nation and stemming the tide of migrants crossing the border, Biden is attacking Abbott and Texas for trying to protect Americans from the wave of deadly drugs and criminals being smuggled across our border with Mexico.

Gov. Abbott began Operation Lone Star in early 2021 in an attempt to protect the border. One of Abbott’s efforts to stop illegal immigrants from crossing into the U.S. includes 30 miles of razor wire barriers at one of the most popular spots for people to cross, near the city of Eagle Pass. The Supreme Court recently ruled that the U.S. Border Patrol, a federally run agency, is allowed to cut and remove the razor wire that was put in place by the Texas National Guard. The Department of Justice has alleged that the razor wire fencing is dangerous for both law enforcement and migrants. Abbott has remained steadfast, saying that he will continue adding more razor wire because the Biden administration has “abdicated [their] responsibility” of protecting Americans by failing to secure the border. As the Supreme Court decision only granted permission for the removal of currently installed wires, it does not say Abbott is not allowed to install more wire.

The argument used by Abbott against the Biden Administration is that they have failed to protect against invasion, which is in Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution. Therefore, Abbott says that he has invoked Texas’s constitutional authority to defend itself, which supersedes any federal statutes that would prevent him from trying to secure the border.

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