(ConservativeInsider.org) – There will be no charges for an elementary school teacher who was allegedly drunk while working with children, announced the local district attorney on Monday, June 10.
Second-grade teacher Wendy Munson, 57, was arrested in Live Oak, California on October 2, 2023, after local police received reports of an intoxicated staff member at the Nuestro Elementary School. At the time of her arrest, the Sutter County’s Sheriff’s office shared a press release that stated video footage showed Munson driving to work that morning and she failed a sobriety test when officers arrived.
According to Jennifer Dupré, the District Attorney of Sutter County, Munson’s blood alcohol level was 0.20% hours after deputies were called, more than double the legal level of intoxication in California, which is 0.08%. Munson was arrested on suspicion of child endangerment as well as driving under the influence.
Despite this, on June 10, the District Attorney’s office announced that Munson will face no charges after eight months of investigation. Dupré claims that though there was video footage of Munson driving to school that day, it does not conclusively prove that she was intoxicated when she drove to work that morning, as she could have consumed alcohol upon her arrival at the elementary school. Further, they were unable to establish proof that the children in Munson’s care that day had their health or safety put into danger.
Dupré called Munson’s behavior “reprehensible” but said it does not “violate the penal code” because it is “not illegal” to teach while intoxicated.
The district handbook for Nuestro Elementary calls the school a drug- and alcohol-free zone and states that any staff member who violates this rule shall be terminated when “termination is required by law.” Though Munson is no longer listed on the school’s website as a teacher, her employment status is unclear, as neither the district nor the school responded to requests for comment on Munson. It is possible that Munson could lose her teaching license, according to the Commission on Teaching Credentialing.
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