Anti-Zionism Bill Sponsored by House GOP Jewish Members Sparks Controversy

( – Republicans in the House of Representatives have put forth a resolution about antisemitism that is already dividing Democrats.

The two Jewish Republicans in the House, Reps. Max Miller (R-OH) and David Kustoff (R-TN) introduced a resolution to strongly condemn antisemitism, both globally and here at home. However, it includes the controversial statement that “anti-Zionism is antisemitism.”

Jan Schakowsky, a Democrat from Illinois, said she worries that this will lead to any kind of criticism of Israel being labelled as antisemitic and encouraged her colleagues who support Israel to vote “present” rather than for the resolution. Jerrold Nadler, a Democrat from New York, call Republicans “fundamentally unserious” about fighting against actual antisemitism. However, some Jewish Democrats, including Steve Cohen (D-TN) and Jared Moskowitz (D-FL), have expressed their support for the bill.

While antisemitism has been on the rise since the October 7th attacks on Israel by Hamas, the amount of antisemitism expressed on college campuses in particular has been egregious. The presidents of several colleges, including Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, were asked to answer questions from Congress this week about their response to incidents of antisemitism on their campuses. In one horrific example, a group of students who supported Palestine at Harvard released a statement calling Israel “entirely responsible” for the slaughter of civilians by Hamas in October.

The president of MIT, Sally Kornbluth, said her university is dealing with both Islamophobia and antisemitism with “equal energy.” Rep. Bob Good (R-VA) criticized her statement, saying that antisemitism and Islamophobia are not “equivalent problems” in America. He asked the university presidents if there have been any large gatherings calling for the extermination of Arabs or Muslims in recent days, to which they said no.

According to a survey from Jewish advocacy group, the Anti-Defamation League, almost three-quarters of Jewish students on college campuses claim they have either witnessed or experienced an act of antisemitism since the beginning of this academic year.

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