Border Patrol Brass Call For Additional Border

( – As the migrant surge continues, there is one thing border patrol chiefs have repeatedly asked for but not received: more border wall.

Despite Alejandro Mayorkas, the Homeland Security Secretary, telling border patrol that they’ve been doing a great job as they face unprecedented numbers of migrants, he has not taken any action towards adding more border wall.

In recent interviews with the House Oversight and Accountability committee and the Homeland Security committee, senior border patrol agents told Congress that the wall provides a serious advantage against the cartels that smuggle in people and drugs through the border. Aaron Heitke, who retired from his position as chief border patrol agent in the San Diego sector last summer, said that the border wall is crucial to their work, as it slows people down when they’re trying to enter America illegally, allowing more time for border patrol agents to respond appropriately.

Of the nine southwestern border chiefs who were interviewed, seven reported that they believe the border wall works.

Experienced border patrol agents have spoken of the unprecedented surge of migrants and how demoralizing it is for the government not to support them and let migrants roam freely in the country. Dustin Caudle, Deputy Chief Patrol Agent in the Yuma area of Arizona, said that while surges in numbers have always occurred, the volume at which they are arriving is unprecedented. John Modlin, another Chief Border Patrol Agent in Arizona, said the unprecedented surge in migrants has been “demoralizing” to border patrol agents, who are doing everything they can to keep the country secure.

During the recent Iowa caucuses, which Donald Trump won by a landslide, 40% of attendees at the caucus reported that they believed immigration to be one of the most important issues facing the country. In 2016, only seven out of ten caucus attendees said they supported building a border wall. However, during the 2024 caucuses, nine out of ten said they supported the border wall.

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