Conservative Groups Beneficiaries of Millions From Foundations

( – Two Wisconsin-based non-profit groups donated millions to several pro-Trump organizations in 2022, the UK Guardian reported.

The Bradley Foundation and its affiliated Bradley Impact Fund made high-dollar contributions to pro-Trump groups in 2022, including Turning Point USA, America First Legal, and former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn’s America’s Future.

Most of the donations to pro-Trump organizations were made through the Bradley Impact Fund, a 501(c)(3) public charity affiliated with the Bradley Foundation.

Bradley Impact Fund donated $27.1 million to America First Legal, the conservative alternative to the ACLU founded by former Trump advisor Stephen Miller. Turning Point USA received nearly $8 million while America’s Future received $500,000.

The Bradley Impact Fund, which launched in 2012, grew significantly following Trump’s 2016 election, with annual revenues increasing from $7 million in 2017 to $108 million in 2022.

The Bradley Foundation, which was established in 1942, largely donates to conservative organizations rather than pro-Trump groups. In 2022, it donated $425,000 to the Heritage Foundation and $750,000 to FreedomWorks.

The foundation’s board includes North Carolina millionaire Art Pope who has also served on the board of Americans for Prosperity. Other board members include Conservative Partnership Institute senior legal fellow Cleta Mitchell.

Mitchell is the chair of the Public Interest Legal Foundation, which has also received donations from the Bradley Foundation and Bradley Impact Fund.

Other prominent conservatives, including former Solicitor General Paul Clement and former Labor Secretary Eugene Scalia – the son of the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia – serve on the Bradley Foundation board.

According to the Guardian, the two groups together donated roughtly $165 million to various conservative and pro-Trump think tanks, legal organizations, and advocacy groups in 2022.

The foundation and its affilliated fund donated to several other conservative groups in 2022, including the National Center for Public Policy Research and the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty.

Michael Beckel of the political reform group Issue One told the Guardian that while the Bradley Foundation is not as well-known as the Koch Family Foundation, their contributions would shape “politics and policymaking” in the years ahead.

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