Dem Mayor Probed By FBI Over Political Retaliation

( – The FBI has opened an investigation into Democratic Illinois Mayor Tiffany Henyard after allegations surfaced that she retaliated against a local business owner who refused to donate to an event she sponsored. This development adds to the growing scrutiny surrounding Mayor Henyard’s conduct and management of city affairs.

Mayor Henyard, who recently garnered attention for her appearance alongside President Joe Biden at the White House during the U.S. Conference of Mayors’ annual meeting, faces criticism for her interactions with fellow local leaders and accusations of financial mismanagement within the city of Dolton.

The investigation stems from claims by Lawrence Gardner, owner of a Dolton-based U-Haul rental and trucking business. Gardner alleges city officials, acting on orders from Mayor Henyard, denied his business license renewal and conducted raids on his premises in retaliation for refusing to contribute to a civic event the mayor endorsed.

Gardner claims the dispute began when he declined to donate to the event sponsored by Mayor Henyard. He then contacted the FBI and reported the situation, stating they assured him they were looking into the allegations. Gardner is one of six individuals, including former Dolton city employees and other business owners, who have reportedly provided information to the FBI regarding Mayor Henyard’s actions.

In an interview with FOX 32, Gardner said he had spoken with FBI agents and explained the situation. He mentioned providing them with all his paperwork to demonstrate the events occurring in court and in Dolton. Additionally, he stated that the agents informed him they were handling the matter hands-on.

However, another local business owner, a restaurateur named Dewayne Wood, has also faced difficulties with permit approvals. He alleges Mayor Henyard may be targeting him due to his association with individuals engaged in a political dispute with the mayor.

Wood said he had heard rumors suggesting he was on the wrong side and believed he had been targeted because of his association with a group of trustees, as he had provided catering services for them.

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