DeSantis Backer Meeting Nearly Results In Fisticuffs

( – Governor Ron DeSantis’ Never Back Down super PAC leaders met last Tuesday to strategize on countering the growing popularity of Nikki Haley. However, during budget discussions among the nine board members and senior staff, a heated argument unfolded. This argument, particularly between Jeff Roe (the top PAC consultant) and Scott Wagner (Ron DeSantis’ longtime confidant), nearly escalated to a physical confrontation.

This internal conflict signals an intensified phase in the ongoing battle between Never Back Down’s political professionals and DeSantis’ inner circle in Tallahassee. The dispute revolves around ‘pointing fingers’ for the governor’s inability to effectively compete with the leading Republican candidate, Donald Trump.

DeSantis’ months-long decline has opened an opportunity for Haley, with rising poll numbers and increased support from major donors posing a serious challenge to the Florida governor’s campaign.

Following NBC News’ report on the internal turmoil, Chris Jankowski resigned as CEO of Never Back Down on Wednesday. In a statement shared by the super PAC, Jankowski emphasized their primary goal has always been to make Governor Ron DeSantis President. He further expressed that, given the current circumstances, delivering on this shared goal had become difficult. Citing that it’s more than just having different opinions on strategy; it’s becoming impossible to make it happen.

Jankowski conveyed his support and hope for Ron DeSantis to become the 47th president for the country’s future.

After tensions flared in the recent Never Back Down meeting, three DeSantis allies—David Dewhirst, Jeff Aaron, and Scott Ross—responded by forming a new super PAC called Fight Right Inc., partly prompted by the events at the meeting. Dewhirst, a former adviser in DeSantis’ gubernatorial office, closely connects with James Uthmeier, who served as DeSantis’ chief of staff before becoming his campaign manager. Aaron is a Florida lawyer, and Ross is a lobbyist.

One Republican source familiar with the decision-making process stated that some members of the group are trying to assume control of the funds, referring to the power struggle that emerged following the establishment of Fight Right.

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