Iran Pulls Off Successful Satellite Launch

( – In late September 2023, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard claimed to have successfully launched a Noor-3 satellite into space. The U.S. Space Force has confirmed the claim. Revolutionary Guard space commander Gen. AIi Jafarabadi announced the launch on Iranian state television; he noted that it may help defend themselves from what he called remote-controlled technologies such as drones. They adamantly claim peaceful reasons for launching the satellite.

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) claims this is the third satellite to launch successfully. According to experts, it is unclear if the launching of satellites is a breach of the United Nations Security Council resolution 2015. Iran has promised to launch more satellites regardless of legality. One clause of the UN accord is set to expire in late 2023 that would allow Iran to develop ballistic missiles. This fact and Iran’s relationship with Russia are causing some to worry.

Accusations that Iran has provided arms and drones for Russia against Ukraine are not helping the case for a peaceful Iran. European powers will maintain their own sanctions, like the U.S. has, despite the UN clause.

According to Amnesty International, 2022 saw the most upheaval in Iran in several years. The women began fighting for equal rights, the conflict in Syria and Ukraine was spotlighted unfavorably within Iran, and war crimes began in Belgium. IRGC was associated with murders in Iraq of pregnant women, and the general lack of human rights was a headline worldwide.

It is unclear if the 2015 UN resolution has accomplished the set goals, but as Iran begins to move past the restrictions, there can be no doubt that the world will be keeping a close eye on what Iran is doing, who Iran is aligning with and how the world can protect itself from what is potentially an unstable area. Sanctions will remain in place to hopefully accomplish their goals.

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