Conservative Milei Wins Presidential Election in Argentina

( – According to provisional results, Javier Milei has secured an unexpected victory in Argentina’s presidential elections. His win comes at a crucial time for Argentina, grappling with rising inflation and economic crises, signaling a desire for change among voters.

Milei’s campaign stood out for its unconventional tactics. Critics often refer to Javier Milei, a far-right libertarian outsider, as “El Loco” (the madman). He pledges significant changes, such as replacing the local currency (peso) with the US dollar and dismantling the central bank to curb what he sees as an inflation-enabler.

During media interviews after winning the election, he mentioned plans to privatize Argentina’s state energy company, YPF, and the country’s public broadcasters. He stated, “Everything that can be put into the hands of the private sector will be in the hands of the private sector.” However, Mr. Milei added that before privatizing YPF, it would need to be “rebuilt,” without specifying the duration of this process.

The president-elect also declared that public works would be “reduced to zero,” with ongoing projects put out to tender to eliminate further state spending.

In an unexpected turn, the current economy minister, Sergio Massa, gracefully accepted defeat as provisional results, with almost 90 percent of votes tallied, showing Milei securing nearly 56 percent, while Massa had 44 percent. Massa acknowledged Milei’s victory, emphasizing that the president-elect’s responsibility for ensuring certainty now rests.

Former US President Donald Trump congratulated Milei, likening Milei’s victory to his own campaign slogan, “Make Argentina Great Again!” South American leaders, such as Chile’s President Gabriel Boric and Brazil’s President Lula da Silva, also reacted to Milei’s victory, highlighting the impact of Argentina’s political shift on the region.

Milei’s victory struck a chord with many voters fed up with economic challenges, but skeptics questioned his unproven leadership and unconventional policy ideas. Comparing leaders such as Trump and Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro raises worries about the possible outcomes of unconventional governance.

Milei’s clear victory signals a change in Argentina’s political scene, driven by a call for change amid economic challenges.

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