Judge Supports Disbarring of Trump Attorney John Eastman

(ConservativeInsider.org) – The California state bar released a 128-page decision on Wednesday, March 27th, recommending disbarment for one of the attorneys representing former President Donald Trump.

Yvette Roland, State Bar Judge in California, recommended removing the California law license of John Eastman, one of Trump’s former attorneys after the California State Bar filed charges against him in 2023. Eastman was found culpable on ten counts of the eleven filed against him. The bar is attempting to strip his California license over “false and misleading statements” over the election, as well as what they believe is his role in “provoking” the events at the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

In addition to being Trump’s former attorney, Eastman is also a co-defendant of Trump’s in the Georgia election case, as well as an alleged co-conspirator (who remains unindicted) in Trump’s federal election interference case.

Some have criticized Roland’s decision as unfairly partisan, as she is a lifelong Democrat who has donated money to both former President Barack Obama as well as Vice President Kamala Harris. For the last several decades California has been known as a one-party state, where only Democrats win elections.

This is not the only associate or attorney of Trump’s to face legal repercussions for their dealings with him, which has led some people to believe there is a political witch hunt happening. Rudy Guiliani, who famously was the mayor of New York City during the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 and who also was an attorney for Trump, has had his law license suspended in New York. The Washington, D.C. Bar Association has also recommended Guiliani for disbarment. Jenna Ellis, an attorney who worked for Trump to challenge the 2020 election results, faces possible disbarment after pleading guilty in Georgia.

The disbarment recommendation from Roland will ultimately be decided by the California Supreme Court. Eastman has stated he disagrees with the judge’s ruling and plans to appeal the decision.

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