Koch Money Backing Haley – Best Trump Alternative

(ConservativeInsider.org) – Americans for Prosperity, the political arm of the influential Koch network, officially announced its endorsement of Nikki Haley’s presidential campaign. This endorsement means that the organization’s nationwide coalition of activists and substantial financial resources will support Haley, with the goal of helping her succeed in the GOP primary against former President Donald Trump.

AFP President and CEO Emily Seidel announced the organization’s full support for Nikki Haley. Seidel stated, “AFP Action is proud to endorse Nikki Haley, who provides America with the chance to move beyond today’s political era. She has the potential to become the Republican candidate and win the general elections next November. Haley possesses the leadership qualities needed to address our nation’s significant challenges and ensure a bright future for our country. With our grassroots support and data capabilities, AFP is well-positioned to assist her in this endeavor like no other organization.”

The endorsement could assist Haley in addressing a key challenge in her strategy. Despite gaining momentum in recent months, particularly in early primary states, the former United Nations ambassador’s campaign has needed more substantial resources to mobilize her supporters for voting. However, she now gains the organizational strength of what might be the most influential conservative grassroots organization in the nation.

Seidel announced on Tuesday that Americans for Prosperity would shift its focus to support Haley’s primary and general election campaigns. This includes strategic advertising, mailers, and engaging with voters through the group’s extensive network of conservative activists. These activists have been gathering information from Republican primary voters to identify the most compelling arguments against Trump.

Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung rejected Americans for Prosperity, labeling it as “the political arm of the China-first, America-last movement.” Cheung responded to the Nikki Haley endorsement, stating, “No level of support from Democrats, Never-Trump RINOs, and George Soros, along with Washington swamp creatures, can effectively stop the MAGA movement or President Trump from becoming the Republican nominee and defeating Joe Biden in the 2024 general elections.”

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