Leftists Outraged After GOP Lawmaker Reads From Controversial Books

(ConservativeInsider.org) – New Hampshire is the latest home to the culture war battles over which books are appropriate for children to have access to. Ironically, while Democrats want children to be able to access books many would consider explicit or pornographic, several Democrats in the New Hampshire House of Representatives tried to silence Republican Rep. Glenn Cordelli from reading passages from those books aloud during a voting session.

Cordelli was defending HB 1419, a bill that would ban “patently offensive” materials from both public school and online libraries that contain “literary, scientific, medical, artistic, or political value.” HB 1419 would also allow parents to take action to remove any such materials from libraries or schools. Cordelli attempted to read passages from books that would be banned under HB 1419, but several House members objected before he could begin.

Rep. Lucy Weber, a Democrat, objected to Cordelli’s reading, pointing out that there is a House rule that allows a member to call a vote on whether someone should be allowed to read something in the House. A vote was held on whether Cordelli could continue speaking, and the total was 201-173 in his favor. All those who voted to silence him were Democrats, though 16 Democrats voted to allow him to continue to speak.

Rep. Kevin Verville, a Republican, pointed out the hypocrisy of allowing underage children to access materials that adult members of the House found too offensive to be read on the floor of the House. Cordelli said he believed his reading would be “quite enlightening.”

After the vote, Democrat Rep. Alissandra Murray posted on social media that one of the books that would be banned if HB 1419 passed, called “Gender Queer,” which features graphic and explicit depictions of teenagers, supported her experiences as “a trans nonbinary adult.”

The New Hampshire House voted to indefinitely postpone the bill by a vote of 187-162, which means it cannot be addressed again until next year.

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