More Than 1 Million Migrants Secured Immigration Parole

( – According to internal government data obtained by the media, the Biden administration has allowed more than a million migrants to enter the United States. Now, Republicans are trying to restrict the administration’s ability to continue letting migrants in.

The American government created a program in 1952 that would allow migrants without visas to enter the U.S. if they are escaping a humanitarian crisis in their home country or if allowing them to enter the U.S. would provide some form of public benefit. While beneficiaries are not given a green card or permanent legal status, they are allowed into the country on a “parole” status for up to two years.

Now that President Biden is pushing for a bill that would provide billions of dollars in aid to Ukraine to fund their war efforts against Russia, Republicans are pushing back, saying they won’t vote for the bill unless the parole program is significantly scaled back.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) shared figures from the Department of Homeland Security, showing that from 2014 to 2019, only 5,600 people per year were allowed into the country at the southern border under the parole program, though up to 112,000 migrants from other nations were allowed in under the parole program during that time frame. The data research organization at Syracuse University, the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC), shows that the number of people allowed in the U.S. under the parole program in the first 10 months of 2023 was over 300,000.

Historically, presidents have used the parole program to welcome migrants who were leaving areas devasted by war, such as the end of the Vietnam war, when the government offered parole to 100,000 Vietnamese refugees, or in the 1990’s when 6,000 Kurds were evacuated from Iraq. The Biden administration allowed 80,000 Afghans to enter the country under the parole program after the US pulled its troops from Afghanistan.

As more and more cities, including Democrat-run “sanctuary cities” like New York and Chicago, are overrun by migrants from the southern border, Republicans and voters are increasingly pushing for the Biden’s usage of the parole program to be curtailed.

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