Republican Spending On Iowa Ads Tops $100M

( – Republicans have heavily advertised in Iowa, a crucial state in the 2024 presidential nomination race, allocating $105 million for television and radio ads in 2023. In the last push before Iowa’s caucuses on January 15, the figure is projected to increase by an additional $2.5 million, marking the first tangible results in the election after months of intense campaigning.

Meanwhile, a major supporter of former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley’s campaign has launched a new ad labeling Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis as a ‘phony’ and criticizing his track record on China.

As the 13-day countdown continues, the 2024 Republican candidates and their supporting outside groups consistently invest millions in the Midwestern state.

Haley’s Super PAC, SFA Fund Inc., has emerged as the biggest spender in Iowa, shelling out $25 million last year, according to AdImpact. But DeSantis and his backers remain the overall frontrunners, with the Florida Governor concentrating most of his efforts on building momentum in Iowa.

However, recent data and upcoming ad reservations suggest Haley could take the lead in pre-caucus spending. SFA Fund has booked $3.3 million for Iowa ads during the next two weeks, while Haley’s campaign itself plans to add another $1.3 million.

Despite consistently polling third behind DeSantis and Haley, former President Donald Trump is also ramping up his presence in Iowa with an estimated $1 million ad buy. Meanwhile, DeSantis and his supporting PACs have earmarked a combined $1.7 million for the final stretch.

Buoyed by her recent surge to second place in New Hampshire polls, Haley aims to capitalize on the Iowa caucuses despite consistently trailing DeSantis and Trump.

Meanwhile, in a surprising move, 38-year-old biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy has decided to pull the plug on television ads in Iowa, arguing that more effective ways exist to connect with younger voters. Instead, his campaign has allocated a modest $29,100 for targeted advertising beginning this week and running until the caucuses. This marks the first time since December that Ramaswamy’s campaign has utilized traditional media for active ads.

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