Romney Says We Need a “New Generation of Leaders”

( – This week, Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) announced that he will not seek re-election when his Senate term is over in 2025, and he believes Presidents Biden and Trump should not seek re-election either due to their advanced ages.

The former presidential candidate called for the next leaders of our country to be from a “new generation” than the ones that currently hold power, like President Biden or Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who were both born in 1942. Romney said we don’t need another politician “in their 80’s.”

Romney, who has been unafraid to criticize members of both parties when he feels it’s necessary, said Biden is “unable to lead” while Trump is “unwilling to lead.” Romney, who has been extremely critical of Trump, including voting to convict the former president twice, said he prefers Biden over Trump, but that he was unwilling to endorse Biden. He expressed the desire for both candidates to be willing to step aside so that younger leadership could step up and take the reins. Romney said he hopes Biden will “will listen to David Ignatius,” a Washington Post foreign affairs columnist who recently wrote a piece suggesting that Biden not run again.

Speaking about his own legacy, Romney expressed skepticism that he would be remembered by many Americans, but that he was content with that. He stated that he doesn’t need a political position for his “ego or self-esteem.” Romney said he isn’t worried much about either being praised or condemned by political commentators, but that he simply hopes his many descendants (he has 25 grandchildren) will remember him as a “person of integrity.”

Romney has been a figure in politics for over 25 years now, following in the steps of his father, who was the governor of Michigan in the 1960’s. When asked what he plans to do with his time after he retires, he said he might write non-political books, teach, or give talks.

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