Senator Graham Tells ICC To ‘Go To Hell’

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( – After the International Court of Justice from the United Nations ordered Israel to cease their attacks on Rafah, a city in Gaza, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) snapped back, telling them to “go to hell.”

Posting on social media, Graham declared that it is “long past time” to push back against international organizations that claim their job is to create justice in the world. Calling the ICJ ruling to cease attacks on Gaza “ridiculous,” the South Carolina Senator called out Hamas terrorists for using Palestinian civilians as terrorists. Graham also added that Israel should ignore the ruling, and if we allow international organizations like the UN to declare what we can or cannot do, the United States will become the next target.

One of the lead prosecutors for the International Criminal Court (ICC) said in late May that they would be seeking arrest warrants for top Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as well as Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, accusing them of crimes against humanity.

Other lawmakers pushed back against the ICC for the order, including House Speaker Mike Johnson, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AK), and Sen. Jim Risch (R-ID). Johnson said the war is “just” as well as a fight “for survival” for Israel and pushed back against claims that liken Israeli military forces to terrorists. Risch called the prosecution of both Israeli leaders and high-ranking members of Hamas “false moral equivalency,” describing the action as “absurd.” Sen. Cotton, who is on the Armed Services Committee of the Senate, called the ICC a “kangaroo court” with no jurisdiction over Israel. He also called the charges against Israel “politically motivated” as well as antisemitic.

President Joe Biden disagreed with the ICC as well, calling their order “outrageous” and said it would do more harm than good in the ongoing war in Gaza.

As of Friday, May 24, Graham said he was working with legislators on both sides of the aisle to put sanctions on the ICC for how they have handled the war in Israel and Gaza.

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