Teacher Union-Backed Candidate’s Online Activity Raises Questions

(ConservativeInsider.org) – The leading candidate for a spot on the Los Angeles school board, Kahllid Al-Alim, is being criticized after evidence came to light that he was promoting antisemitic books and liking violent and pornographic posts on social media.

Al-Alim, who has been endorsed by the L.A. County Federation of Labor, the United Teachers Los Angeles labor union, and the Democratic Socialists of America, has liked a variety of antisemitic posts online. In late 2022, he suggested a book by Louis Farrakhan, who has come under fire frequently for antisemitic comments himself. Al-Alim said Farrakhan’s book should be “mandatory teaching” in public schools.

The book in question is called “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews,” a three-volume series which posits that Jews were responsible for the trans-Atlantic slave trade, a claim that most historians dispute. The book also suggests that Jews funded the Ku Klux Klan and are responsible for the lack of economic power in the black community.

Al-Alim allegedly also “liked” pornographic or explicit posts on his personal account, such as photo of a woman in a see-through top carrying an assault weapon, which many criticized as Al-Alim is running for a position on a school board.

According to media reports, the Los Angeles teacher’s union has spent over $650,000 campaigning for Al-Alim, while the official campaign for Al-Alim has raised nearly $25,000 since the most recent reporting period. The teacher’s union has issued a sharp rebuke of Al-Alim’s online activities, calling them “offensive and unacceptable.” They stated that they are considering possible next steps, which may include revoking their endorsement. The union also demanded an apology from Al-Alim, who provided one to the media less than ten minutes later.

When confronted with his prior social media posts, Al-Alim deactivated his personal social media accounts and made an apology. He said he “rescinds” his recommendation of the Farrakhan book and added that he has “spent [his] life fighting against antisemitism” and “all forms of oppression.” He did not go into detail about how he has fought antisemitism.

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