Terrorist Sympathizers Celebrate Palestinian Attacks

(ConservativeInsider.org) – On the 50th anniversary of the 1973 Yom Kippur War in Israel, Palestinian group Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel. Though the death toll is rising, currently there are over 700 Israeli civilians declared dead, along with 400 Palestinians, and nearly a dozen Americans. Over 140 of the reported victims have been children. According to the Israel Minister for Strategic Affairs, at least 100 people were taken hostage by Hamas, some of them American citizens.

Groups of people around the world, including in Europe and the United States, have gathered to show support for Palestine for their surprise terrorist attack, including a “Free Palestine Now” rally in Washington, D.C. in front of the White House. Videos and images circulating on social media showed people waving the Palestinian flag and cheering from dozens of locations, including London and Times Square in New York City. A group called the Chicago Coalition for Justice in Palestine held a rally for Palestine outside the Israeli consulate over the weekend, saying that the attacks from Hamas were retaliation for “decades of Israeli brutality,” going so far as to call them “self-defense operations.”

In Turkey, Lebanon, and Iran, large anti-Israel rallies were held, with participants shouting things like “death to Israel” and waving the Palestinian flag.

In both the United States and Europe, authorities have increased security around Jewish communities and synagogues, fearing an increase in anti-Semitic attacks. The Los Angeles Police Chief Michel Moore noted that LA has one of the largest Jewish communities in the world outside of Israel. Moore stated that they have increased patrols near synagogues and nearby areas.

Some U.S. officials have noted that if you adjust for the population size between the United States and Israel, the attack is akin to “several 9/11” attacks.

President Biden gave remarks on Tuesday afternoon, expressing “unwavering support” for Israel. The Biden administration also lit up the White House with the colors of the Israeli flag, blue and white, to show the solidarity of Americans with the Israeli people.

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