Texas Begins Flying Migrants to Chicago

(ConservativeInsider.org) – Amidst the growing crisis of migrants flooding the southern border of the United States, Texas governor Greg Abbott has decided to start flying migrants who cross the border to so called “sanctuary cities” in other states, such as Chicago.

Gov. Abbott’s move follows an announcement from the mayor of Chicago, Brandon Johnson, who said they passed an ordinance that allows them to fine or impound buses from other states that attempt to drop off migrants without a permit our outside of approved locations. Mayor Johnson said it is their only recourse in response to Gov. Abbott, who Johnson believes is attempting to “cause chaos” all over America.

Johnson appears to believe the issues are being caused by Gov. Abbott rather than President Joe Biden, who has seemingly ignored the border crisis until his back was against the wall, when he finally agreed to do something about the migrant issue in order to get the Ukraine aid package he wanted passed.

According to Gov. Abbott, they have sent more than 80,000 migrants from the border to sanctuary cities all over the country, including nearly 24,000 to Democratic-led Chicago. In mid-December, Abbott sent 120 migrants on a plane to Chicago as well in an attempt to get around Mayor Johnson’s new requirement for permits for busses.

The spokesperson for Abbott’s office, Andrew Mahaleris, said the new strategy of using planes is due to Mayor Johnson “targeting migrant buses.” He added that until President Biden “does his job to secure the border,” Texas will continue taking unprecedented actions to protect their cities and citizens from increasing waves of illegal migrants. President Biden’s spokesperson, Angelo Fernández Hernández, called Abbott’s move a stunt that “demonizes and dehumanizes people.”

In just the first half of December, over 120,000 migrants were arrested at the southern border. According to unofficial reports, that puts the number of migrants who have been apprehended at the southern border this year at over 500,000, with up to 70,000 listed as “known got-aways.”

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