Trump Admits He’d Be Dictator On ‘Day One’ Only

( – During a Fox News town hall on Tuesday, Dec. 5, former President Donald Trump asserted that if elected president in 2024, he would act as a dictator only on the first day in office.

In a recorded event in Iowa, Trump responded to host Sean Hannity’s question about whether he would misuse the power of the office for revenge. Hannity asked if he was promising America that he would never abuse power as retribution against anybody. In response, Trump reiterated the phrase, saying, “Except for Day One.”

When asked for clarification, Trump stated that he wanted to close the border and emphasized the need to “drill.” Soon after, he reiterated his remarks, expressing his affection for Hannity. He said he loved Hannity and mentioned Hannity’s question: “You’re not going to be a dictator, are you?” Trump recalled responding with, “No, no, no. Other than Day One.” He emphasized that on Day One, his administration would close the border and focus on drilling. After that, Trump clarified, “I’m not a dictator.”

The Biden campaign quickly capitalized on Trump’s comments, posting a clip to X. After the town hall concluded, Biden campaign manager Julie Chávez Rodriguez reported that Trump had been saying exactly what he would do if he were reelected, and that night, he had stated he would be a dictator on day one.

When Hannity asked whether he planned to “abuse power, break the law, or use the government against people,” Trump didn’t give a direct answer. Instead, he commented, “You mean like they’re using right now?” seemingly referring to Democrats.

Trump is still ahead in the polls among Republicans. A recent poll showed that 58% of Republican voters want Trump as their top choice in the GOP primaries, while only 18% prefer Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. Trump emphasized in a town hall that his campaign will focus a lot on Iowa before the first caucuses on Jan. 15, saying, “We’re leaving nothing to chance.”

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