Trump Promises to Roll Back Electric Vehicle Mandates

( – Former President Donald Trump has announced that he will reverse Joe Biden’s Electric Vehicle (EV) mandates on day one of his presidency should he win the White House in the upcoming elections.

During a rally in New Jersey, Trump urged people to drive gas vehicles to reach their destinations on time, adding that driving EVs to such places will result in multiple stops along the way.

The former president also noted that everyone should be free to choose whether they want to drive an electric car or a gas vehicle.

Trump’s comments came in the aftermath of his meeting with the country’s top oil executives, who are fed up with the burgeoning environmental regulations imposed by the Biden administration.

Sources familiar with the meeting stated that Trump asked the oil executives to donate $1 billion to his campaign and help him win the presidency so that he could reverse Biden’s left-leaning climate policies and stop any further mandates.

Since assuming the presidency in January 2021, Biden has reversed 27 pro-fossil-fuel initiatives of the Trump administration and enforced 21 new measures across similar lines.

Biden’s strict climate actions target gas vehicles as the administration is seeking to ensure that at least 50% of cars sold by 2030 should be electric. Currently, EVs only contribute to 8% of vehicle sales in the United States, and increasing it by 42% within six years seems an overly ambitious agenda.

This is the reason why traditional car manufacturers have warned of drastic consequences in terms of job loss if the administration does not change its policies immediately.

The Republican presidential candidate also stated that Biden has finally listened to what he was saying over the years, and this is the reason why the president has decided to impose a 100% tariff on Chinese EVs. Trump added that Biden should do the same for Chinese gas vehicles since it will give a much-needed boom to the American manufacturing industry.

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