Trump Supports Jim Justice in West Virginia Senate Primary

( – Jim Justice, 72, is running for U.S. Senate in 2024, and party control will be potentially be determined by who occupies this seat. Incumbent Joe Manchin, 76, a Democrat, has not indicated if he will retire or run for re-election.

As of mid-October 2023, former President Trump posted his enthusiastic support of West Virginia Governor Jim Justice in the primary election for the Senate. Justice has a strong lead in popularity, but Republicans are split between him and Representative Alex Mooney, a non-Trump conservative.

National Republicans support Justice. He was previously a Democrat before switching parties to align with his state’s majority perspectives. Interestingly, he has claimed Democrat, Independent, and now Republican as his identifying parties over the last 20 years. As governor of West Virginia, he has banned nearly all abortion procedures, adjusted concealed carry permit guidelines, and worked to support traditional conservative values.

Justice has been continuing his work along with campaign outings with his English Bulldog “Babydog,” who is friendly and compliant. Justice has faced criticisms of his budgeting policies that have many government branches buckling under pressure to cut spending.

Justice is well-liked, as is Joe Manchin; both appear to lament the two-party system and want to simply work to improve their state and the United States. Manchin has refrained from commenting on his next steps after this term ends. He has indicated a potential switch to be an Independent as a moderate Democrat as he has not toed the party line on all matters.

Manchin has not ruled out anything and could throw a wrench into any race he wants to join as an Independent. His fundraising and unwavering support for his state and its success are solid. Should Manchin refrain from retirement and run for his Senate seat, the race between him and Justice could be very close.

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