White House Staff Mock ‘Astroturfing’ Journalist For Biden Age Question

(ConservativeInsider.org) – The White House has rebuked a Fox News reporter for expressing concerns about President Biden’s age over the holiday weekend and subsequently reporting on his own inquiries.

During ‘Fox News Sunday,’ reporter Lucas Tomlinson mentioned that people in Nantucket, Massachusetts, were still questioning President Biden’s age, despite him being 81.

Tomlinson asked Biden about his ability to run for reelection due to his age and also asked about his struggles with the polling numbers.

In response to the age question, Biden dismissed it as “stupid.”

After Tomlinson’s report aired, the president’s top press aides mocked the reporter for focusing on his own questions. Andrew Bates, an aide to Biden, took to social media on Sunday, sarcastically asking if anyone could guess whose voice was shouting, saying that it sounded familiar.

Bates and others in Biden’s White House accused Tomlinson of biased reporting, pointing out that in the package aired on Fox News Sunday, Tomlinson failed to mention that he was the reporter who had shouted the question. They argued that Tomlinson was essentially orchestrating a political attack under the guise of objective journalism.

President Biden often faces shouted questions from reporters representing various outlets, both at the White House and during his travels for vacation or official presidential business.

Recent polls indicate that Democrats and Republicans are concerned about the president’s age. The relationship between President Biden’s White House and Fox News, the most-watched cable news channel, has consistently been strained during his presidency.

In 2022, Biden called Fox White House reporter Peter Doocy a ‘stupid son of a ***ch’ when he asked a question about rising inflation. Additionally, Biden’s White House members, including Bates, have frequently criticized certain shows and opinions on Fox News.

Biden is seeking reelection for a second term in the White House, and polls suggest a tight competition with former President Donald Trump, expected to be the GOP nominee for 2024. Despite achieving bipartisan goals, Biden has struggled with low approval ratings during his term. Some voters express concern about his age, as he is the oldest president in US history at 81.

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