2,500-Year-Old Gold Necklace Found by Sanitation Worker

(ConservativeInsider.org) – A worker digging around some pipes in northwest Spain on Aug. 29 happened upon a gold necklace, a torc believed to be from the Iron Age. The Iron Age lasted from the 5th to the 2nd century BC, and goldsmithing was not only an art form but a way of designating nobles from ordinary folk. This item was likely a treasured piece of prestige for pre-Roman nobles.

Archaeologists were immediately notified, and experts from around the area descended onto the work site, but no further items were found. The necklace is a fantastic example of goldsmith skills that were advanced at the time: casting, filigree, graining, and welding-a quality rarely seen without modern tools.

A torc is often made from one or two pieces of gold, bronze, copper, or iron, depending on its origin and purpose. Torc of various shapes and sizes have been found from England to the Middle East, which aligns with conflicts and trade at the time. A torc is not a full circle; it’s more like a nearly complete circle where the opening allows the item to come on and off, some designed to stay on for long periods and some designed for easy removal.

Modern examples, often made of copper or silver, allow for flexibility on the wearer and sometimes reflect Viking or Celtic heritage. Contemporary examples also use the term for neckwear and bracelet jewelry.

Some ancient golden examples are found to contain a heavy amount of gold. The Great Torc from Snettisham is a golden Iron Age neck ring that was discovered in 1950 and weighed over 2 lbs., which is heavy for a piece of jewelry. The Great Torc from Snettisham is on display at the British Museum.

Experts continue to review the newest torc discovered last month, but it will surely find a good home at an area museum.

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