ADL Head Accuses House Dem of Threatening Jewish Colleague

( – The CEO of the Anti-Defamation League on Sunday slammed Indiana Democrat Rep. André Carson, accusing him of trying to intimidate fellow Democrat Rep. Josh Gottheimer after the New Jersey Democrat called those who voted against a House resolution condemning Hamas “despicable,” Fox News reported.

When asked by CNN’s Manu Raju about Gottheimer’s remarks, Carson called the Jewish Democrat “cowardly” and suggested that Gottheimer was motivated by his Jewish faith, telling Raju he was “not acting in his role as a member of Congress.”

Carson claimed that Gottheimer exposed himself as “very emotional,” and said he is like “most cowardly people” who are afraid “when you confront them.” He told Raju that he is not afraid of Gottheimer and if he is going to call him and the other Democrats who voted against the resolution “despicable,” then he is going to call him a “coward” and a “punk.”

Carson said if Gottheimer wants to play the tough guy, either the two of them can “handle it like gentlemen” or “get into something else.”

In a post on X, ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt said while it was “inexcusable” for a member of Congress to ever “threaten a colleague,” it is “especially egregious” that Carson would threaten a Jewish member of Congress at a time when the country is facing “a massive spike in antisemitism.”

Greenblatt asked if Carson thought it was “productive to intimidate” Gottheimer.

After last week’s vote in the House, Gottheimer blasted the 15 Democrats who either voted against the resolution or voted “present,” saying they were “despicable” and did not “speak for our party.”

The ADL’s Greenblatt has also criticized the far-left members of the so-called “Squad” for their support of Hamas and antisemitism, saying they should remain “on the fringe where they belong.”

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