Conservative Blogger Faces Felony Over Assault On Political Operative

( – A conservative blogger was indicted by a grand jury for assaulting an employee of Representative Sheila Jackson Lee’s campaign for mayor of Houston.

The Harris County District Attorney’s Office said that Aubrey Taylor, 56, was facing charges of assault of an elderly person, a felony. A warrant has been issued for Taylor’s arrest. Taylor is not currently in custody.

The alleged victim is Gerald Womack, 66, a real estate agent whose office also serves as a satellite campaign office for Jackson Lee. Womack claims Taylor has been harassing him on and off for nearly six months. According to Womack, Taylor showed up at the satellite campaign office and someone asked him to leave. Taylor allegedly punched Womack in the face, which caused him to fall backwards and briefly lose consciousness. The two then scuffled before Taylor left. Reports are conflicting on whether Womack sought medical attention, but the police report indicates that Womack had a bump on his head when officers arrived.

On the day he was indicted, an attorney for Taylor filed a civil lawsuit against Womack, suggesting that Womack’s account of what happened during their confrontation was inaccurate. According to court documents, Taylor arrived at Womack’s office to deliver a copy of the Houston Business Connections Newspaper when Womack began yelling at him. Taylor claims Womack lunged at him and attempted to push and strike him. Taylor said attempted to retreat but Womack’s aggression increased, resulting in Womack grabbing Taylor’s tie, causing both men to fall to the floor. Taylor then alleges that Womack grabbed a heavy metal lamp “with sharp edges” and swung it at Taylor in attempt to kill or severely injure him.

The civil lawsuit filed by Taylor requests a jury trial and over $100,000 in compensation for the attack.

Taylor has repeatedly spoken out against Jackson Lee, calling her “dishonorable” and “corrupt” and alleging that the candidate has been running a ballot-harvesting ring.

Police are still investigating the confrontation.

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