Cubans Joining Russian Initiative Against Ukraine

( – Cubans who are struggling to make ends meet in the Communist country are trying a new tactic to support their families: signing up to join the Russian initiative against Ukraine.

While agreeing to fight in a war in order to provide for your family is laudable, many have questions about the tactics Russians are using to get people to sign up. According to Politico Europe, which spoke to some of these Cuban recruits, many have been misled about what signing up for the Russian army would entail. One recruit, who was described as a man in his late 40’s, said when he signed up, he was told he would be working as a driver, delivering construction materials. However, upon arrival, he was given a weapon and prepared to enter combat. He describes the contract he signed as a “deal with the devil.”

It is unknown how many Cubans have been recruited to aid the Russian army. According to the Foundation for Human Rights in Cuba (FHRC), which is based in Miami, it’s possible that over 1,000 Cubans have been recruited for the Russian war effort. Cuban recruits were offered 204,000 rubles ($2,120 US dollars) to enlist.

A mother of a Cuban recruit said that prior to enlisting, her son made only 2,000 pesos per month, which wasn’t even enough to buy a carton of eggs. Knowing how much their family was struggling, her son responded to an ad on Facebook looking for construction workers and cooks in Russia. He agreed to go to Russia to work maintenance on infrastructure, and at first, all seemed well. He was able to send his family money so they could afford things like meat or coffee, which are considered luxuries in Cuba. However, shortly after, his family discovered he was being sent to the front lines.

Though Cuban ambassadors previously said they would not allow their citizens to go fight in the Russian conflict, they have now reversed their stance and will not stop citizens from joining in on the war effort.

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