MLK Jr. Daughter Swipes at Comedian’s Pro-Israel Post

( – Bernice King, the youngest child of famed civil rights leader, Martin Luther King Jr., spoke out against comedian Amy Schumer after Schumer shared a post on social media supporting Israel as the conflict between Israel and Hamas-controlled Palestine continues to escalate.

Schumer shared a clip of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. speaking about Israel, saying they “have the right to exist” and that they are a “great outpost of democracy.” He also called antisemitism “wrong, unjust, and evil.” Adding her own commentary, Schumer spoke about how western media claimed that Israel bombed a hospital and suggested there were hundreds of casualties, although reports later indicated that it was an accidental explosion of Hamas rockets and casualties, if any, were significantly lower than originally claimed. The comedian said those who share false information that stokes anti-Jewish hatred should be held accountable.

While Bernice King, who was only five when her father was assassinated, agreed that her father was against anti-Semitism, she said he was also against militarism and considered it one of the greatest evils humanity has faced. King’s daughter also shared a video of her father talking about the Vietnam war, where he said the United States needed to “restrain our power.” The clip showed the elder King speaking of the danger that countries will abuse their power and that the U.S. doesn’t need to prove their military power. He said the U.S. should focus on showing its moral power instead. Bernice King suggested her father would call for an end to the Israeli bombing campaign against Gaza Strip, while also calling for the release of all hostages currently held by Hamas.

Encouraging Schumer and others to read her father’s book “Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?,” Bernice King said she was mourning the conflict and loss of life with everyone else in the world. She spoke of the importance of not diminishing or dehumanizing others or humanity will not be able to achieve her father’s goal of freedom from oppression for all people.

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