Rise of Ethnic Studies Correlates with Hamas, Anti-Israel Sentiment: Opinion

(ConservativeInsider.org) – In mid-October 2023, weeks following the initial attack in Israel, many student groups and universities are showing their support for Hamas. Harvard University student organizations have clearly expressed support for Hamas and decried the retribution by Israel. Students noted that attacks on innocent people are warranted in the face of defiance of a complicated and unfair predicament.

Caroline Moore, the vice president of Parents Defending Education, laments that the education system has incorrectly taught others that good vs evil is an easy and quick decision to make, and that terrorism for the sake of justice is acceptable. Moore claims educational institutions are shaping students into ideologues by indoctrinating young minds that are pliable and susceptible to propaganda. Moore contends that Americans must review their own failures and work to correct public policy and educational practices.

Moore also blames critical race theory as a major contributor to the problem. Critical race theory takes the position that nearly every interaction between people and institutions is colored by racial prejudice. CRT points to what it calls the systematic ways in which women and others have been held down by “patriarchy” and “systemic” discrimination.

The Harvard student groups who demonstrated in support of Hamas are learning the hard way that freedom of speech does not come without consequences. Consequences for their actions may include having student group funding withdrawn, and participants may find themselves considered ineligible to be hired by companies and organizations with whom they seek employment. Moore contends that people, organizations and educational systems should be focused on how to empower people to deal with reality in a rational and compassionate way.

The war between Hamas and Israel is just the latest iteration of a longstanding and violent dispute between the Jewish state Palestina Moore said there not likely to be a clear “winner” in this conflict. It will still exist after the death and destruction, she said, but compassion will always be necessary.

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